Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Site Policy (User Agreement) of ("updatesonproperty"). It outlines how updatesonproperty collects, uses, and protects your personal information. By accessing or using updatesonproperty, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

1.Collection of Personal Information
1.1 To provide a personalized browsing experience, updatesonproperty may collect personal information from you. This may include information provided when you register on updatesonproperty or fill out a registration form.
1.2 In order to deliver relevant information and services, updatesonproperty may track your IP address and use cookies to store certain information on your system. You have the option to accept or decline cookies by adjusting your browser settings.

2.Use of Personal Information
2.1 Personal information provided by users will not be shared with third parties without the user's consent, except for disclosing general information to external parties.
2.2 Information displayed on updatesonproperty will only be done so with the user's consent. Users are not required to disclose their identity or provide any personal information while browsing the site, except during the registration process.
2.3 You have the option to choose not to provide non-mandatory information. However, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user identification and password.

3.Security and Confidentiality
3.1 updatesonproperty makes every effort to keep the information provided by users safe. Information displayed on the website will only be done with the user's consent.
3.2 While updatesonproperty takes reasonable measures to protect personal information, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, users should be aware of the potential risks associated with transmitting personal information online.

4.User Rights
4.1 You have the right to rectify, update, correct, or delete your personal information held by updatesonproperty. You may also request confirmation of whether your personal information is being processed, access your personal information, or exercise your right to restrict disclosure to third parties.
4.2 To exercise these rights, please contact us at and provide valid proof of your identity.

5.Use of Personal Information
5.1 updatesonproperty may use personal information to improve marketing efforts, analyze site usage, enhance content and product offerings, and customize the site's content, layout, and services to provide a better user experience.
5.2 updatesonproperty may use personal information to contact you with targeted advertisements, administrative notices, product offerings, and communications relevant to your use of the site. By accepting the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, you expressly consent to receiving such information. You may opt out of certain communications by adjusting your profile settings.

6.Compliance with Applicable Laws
6.1 updatesonproperty fully complies with all applicable Indian laws.
6.2 In certain circumstances, updatesonproperty may disclose personal information, in part or in full, in response to a request from law enforcement authorities or to prevent an imminent breach of the law.

Your privacy is important to us. By using updatesonproperty, you acknowledge and agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your personal information, please contact us at